Issue 170

July 2024

Available as a Back Issue

Issue 170 cover


  1. Full Article

    Boosted Fun

    Dominick Testa transforms his 2019 Grand Sport convertible into a blown, 700-horsepower cruise missile

  2. Full Article

    Three of a Kind

    Pete Vicari’s trio of ’63 prototypes provide a rare glimpse into the C2’s pre-production development

  3. Reversals of Fortune

    Ted Perez vanquishes a series of unfortunate events to create an award-winning C1 driver

  4. Self-Starter

    Cody Allen’s custom ’77 coupe is a master class in owner-directed repair and bespoke modification

  5. Market Report: C4

    Though double-digit appreciation continues to erode the fourth-gen’s bargain status, this underappreciated model remains a creditable performance value

  6. Chief of Staff

    Corvette Program Manager Devon Blue keeps the wheels turning on America’s Sports Car

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